Mayank (rado_mayank)

Mayank Choudhary

IT Professional
Engineer @Sopra Steria
Get to Know Me

About Me

Mayank, an IT professional hailing from India, is a graduate of Maharaja Surajmal Institute Of Technology(2022) in New Delhi. With a deep-rooted passion for Machine Learning, Football, Open-Source, and Software Innovations, he embodies a diverse range of interests that drive his professional pursuits. Mayank firmly believes in the power of community and actively contributes to various writing platforms. He recognizes the value of collective knowledge and understands that collaboration is key to achieving great results. His dedication to sharing insights and engaging with others fosters an environment of growth and learning. Presently employed at Sopra Steria, Mayank showcases exceptional skills and unwavering motivation in his work. His expertise in IT, coupled with a genuine enthusiasm for technology and creative problem-solving, positions him as a reliable resource to tackle complex challenges within the tech industry. Furthermore, his ability to function seamlessly within a team underscores his talent as a collaborative professional. Driven by a desire for personal and professional development, Mayank is actively seeking opportunities to immerse himself in dynamic and challenging environments. He strives to leverage his existing skills while continually expanding his knowledge base. With a hunger to learn and grow, he is poised to make a meaningful impact in any organization fortunate enough to have him on board. Should you wish to explore potential collaborations or gain deeper insights into his experience and skills. He welcomes discussions on opportunities that align with his expertise and aspirations.


Regular at contributing to different writing platforms like Quora, Dev, Medium.

Machine Learning

Made some real time projects like Emotion detection, Cat or dog prediction, House price prediction model.

Web Dev

Front-End project with the use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


Tech that I'm Familiar with:


I like projects that require creative thinking and are challenging.
Here are some of them:

Mayank Choudhary

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